Thursday, November 15, 2007


Let me share to you what I first thought of iSchools during the time when I had zero knowledge about the project. You see, I do not get to read newspapers often so I get left behind with what is happening in our country.

I first heard the term “iSchools” from Ms. Lydia Pinili, MIS Head and ICT Coordinator of BPSU. “This is another challenge,” she said as she read the letter coming from the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT). And I wondered what that really is, until they started their community mobilization activities in the nearby provinces on the month of September.

Getting involved in this project...well, I thought I would not be. I thought only the MIS staff and computer experts will have to participate in this project. It was only in October when Ma’am Lydia informed me that she wants me to join her team.


Anonymous said...

Really! Do you believe with LYDIA PINILI? You are in the wrong way! BIG! BIG mistake in your entire life...

iBPSU said...

what do you mean?

iBPSU said...
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